Phase-locking index and power of 40-Hz auditory steady-state response are not related to major personality trait dimensions Article
International Collaboration
cited authors
- Korostenskaja, Milena, Ruksenas, Osvaldas, Pipinis, Evaldas, Griskova-Bulanova, Inga
funding text
- We would like to thank all study volunteers for their participation. We also appreciate the help with data collection provided by Roza Grigoryan and Vaida Genyte. We are grateful to Dr. Ramune Griksiene for her assistance with subject recruitment and to Aleksandras Voicikas for his help in data processing. We also would like to thank Dr. Eduardo Martinez Castillo for his helpful discussion and suggestions pertaining manuscript revision. The study was supported by Lithuanian Research Council grant MIP-009/2014.
- Although a number of studies have demonstrated state-related dependence of auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs), the investigations assessing trait-related ASSR changes are limited. Five consistently identified major trait dimensions, also referred to as "big five" (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness), are considered to account for virtually all personality variances in both healthy people and those with psychiatric disorders. The purpose of the present study was, for the first time, to establish the link between 40-Hz ASSR and "big five" major personality trait dimensions in young healthy adults. Ninety-four young healthy volunteers participated (38 males and 56 females; mean age +/- A SD 22.180 +/- A 2.75). The 40-Hz click trains were presented for each subject 30 times with an inter-train interval of 1-1.5 s. The EEG responses were recorded from F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz and P4 locations according to 10/20 electrode placement system. Phase-locking index (PLI) and event-related power perturbation (ERSP) were calculated, each providing the following characteristics: peak time, entrainment frequency, peak value and mean value. For assessing "big five" personality traits, NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R) was used. No significant correlation between 40-Hz ASSR PLI or ERSP and "big five" personality traits was observed. Our results indicate that there is no dependence between 40-Hz ASSR entrainment and personality traits, demonstrating low individual 40-Hz variability in this domain. Our results support further development of 40-Hz ASSR as a neurophysiological marker allowing distinguishing between healthy population and patients with psychiatric disorders.
Publication Date
- March 1, 2016
published in
- NEUROSCIENCES Web of Science Category
Additional Document Info
start page
- 711
end page
- 719
- 234
- 3
WoS Citations
- 5
WoS References
- 73