Does the initial surgery for necrotizing enterocolitismatter? Comparative outcomes for laparotomy vs. peritoneal drain as initial surgery for necrotizing enterocolitis in infants < 1000 g birth weight Article

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Yanowitz, Toby Debra; Sullivan, Kevin M.; Piazza, Anthony J.; Brozanski, Beverly; Zaniletti, Isabella; Sharma, Jotishna; DiGeronimo, Robert; Nayak, Sujir Pritha; Wadhawan, Rajan; Reber, Kristina M.; Murthy, Karna; Dykes, Francine; Piazza, Anthony; Sysyn, Gregory; Coghill, Carl; Black, Allison; Dhanireddy, Ramasubbareddy; Hansen, Anne; Houssain, Tanzeema; Falciglia, Gustave; Haberman, Beth; Poindexter, Breda; Nathan, Amy; Nelson, Kristin; Kingma, Paul; Riddle, Stefanie; Merhar, Stephanie; Kaplan, Heather; Reber, Kristina; Savani, Rashmin; Brion, Luc; Ali, Noorjahan; Grover, Theresa; Natarajan, Girija; Nedrelow, Jonathan; Chi, Annie; Johnson, Yvette; Suresh, Gautham; Engle, William; Simpson, Lora; Sokol, Gregory; Rose, Rebecca; Pallotto, Eugenia; Lyle, Robert; Rogers, Becky; Kelly, Lisa; Chin, Steven; Chapman, Rachel; Limjoco, Jamie; Haack, Lori; Durand, David; Asselin, Jeanette; D'Harlingue, Art; Joe, Priscilla; Evans, Jacquelyn; Padula, Michael; Munson, David; Touch, Suzanne; Najaf, Tasmin; Rao, Rakesh; Mathur, Amit; McKay, Victor; Speziale, Mark; Lane, Brian; Moyer, Laural; Short, Billie; Sullivan, Kevin; Ling, Con Yee; Patel, Shrena; Uhing, Michael; Datta, Ankur; Willett, Lynne; Birge, Nicole; Robert Digeronimo; Billimoria, Zeenia; Lee, Kyong-Soon; Mikhael, Michel; Ahmad, Irfan; CHND Surg NEC Focus Grp

Publication Date

  • April 1, 2019


published in


  • SURGERY  Web of Science Category


  • Extremely low birth weight
  • Length of stay
  • Morbidity
  • Mortality
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis
  • Short bowel syndrome

start page

  • 712

end page

  • 717


  • 54


  • 4