Psychology, Experimental Web of Science Category
- A friend in need is a friend indeed: Acute tandem rope skipping enhances inter-brain synchrony of socially avoidant individuals Article
- A functional MRI investigation of the association between childhood aerobic fitness and neurocognitive control Article
- A mechanistic understanding of cognitive performance deficits concurrent with vigorous intensity exercise Article
- A review of the relationship between eating behavior, obesity and functional brain network organization Review
- Age-related differences in the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in attentional control Article
- Attentional control in the aging brain: Insights from an fMRI study of the Stroop task Article
- Brain mechanisms for reading in children with and without dyslexia: A review of studies of normal development and plasticity Article
- Capitalizing on cortical plasticity: influence of physical activity on cognition and brain function Review
- Changes in cerebral perfusion following a 12-month exercise and diet intervention Article
- Cortical recruitment during selective attention in multiple sclerosis: An fMRI investigation of individual differences Article
- Data-driven MRI analysis reveals fitness-related functional change in default mode network and cognition following an exercise intervention Article
- Do not underestimate the cognitive benefits of exercise Early Access
- Functional connectivity: A source of variance in the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and cognition? Article
- Neural dynamics of social verb processing: an MEG study Article
- Omega-3 fatty acids moderate effects of physical activity on cognitive function Article
- Performance gains from directed training do not transfer to untrained tasks Article
- Physical fitness and brain source localization during a working memory task in children with overweight/obesity: The ActiveBrains project Article
- Regional differences in brain volume predict the acquisition of skill in a complex real-time strategy videogame Article
- Sedentary behavior and lifespan brain health Review
- Testing the limits of cognitive plasticity in older adults: Application to attentional control Article
- The association between physical fitness parameters and white matter microstructure in older adults: A diffusion tensor imaging study Article
- The effects of acute exercise intensity on memory: Controlling for state-dependence Article
- The fitness versus body fat hypothesis in relation to hippocampal structure Article
- The hippocampus and memory of verbal and pictorial material Article
- The sexual dimorphic association of cardiorespiratory fitness to working memory in children Article
- Transfer of skill engendered by complex task training under conditions of variable priority Article
- White matter microstructure is associated with cognitive control in children Article
broader concept
- Psychology Web of Science Research Area