p53 expression in pituitary adenomas and carcinomas: Correlation with invasiveness and tumor growth fractions Article

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Thapar, K, Scheithauer, BW, Kovacs, K, Pernicone, PJ, Laws, ER


  • ALTHOUGH MOST PITUITARY tumors are well differentiated, histologically benign neoplasms, their clinical behavior is known to vary greatly. These lesions are relentlessly aggressive in some instances yet biologically indolent in others, but these prognostically relevant differences in behavior are not reflected in their histopathological appearance. As a means of identifying intrinsically aggressive pituitary tumors, we evaluated 70 pituitary adenomas and 7 primary pituitary carcinomas for their expression of the p53 gene product, a nuclear phosphoprotein whose immunohistochemical accumulation has served as an unfavorable prognostic factor for a wide range of human neoplasms. All tumors were fully classified by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy; adenomas were further stratified on the basis of their invasion status, the latter being defined as gross operatively or radiologically apparent infiltration of dura or bone. Conclusive nuclear immunopositivity for p53 was identified in a total of 12 tumors, all being either invasive adenomas or primary pituitary carcinomas. A clear and highly significant association was evident between p53 expression and tumor behavior, as the proportion of p53-positive cases among noninvasive adenomas, invasive adenomas, and pituitary carcinomas was 0, 15.2, and 100%, respectively (X(2) = 44.72; degrees of freedom, 2; P much less than 0.001). A comparison of previously reported growth fraction data with p53 expression indicated that the mean Ki-67-derived growth fraction of p53-positive tumors was significantly higher than that of p53-negative tumors (10.41 +/- 2.20 versus 2.51 +/- 0.28%) (+/- standard error of the mean, two-sample t test for independent samples, P = 0.004). There was no apparent relationship between the functional status of the tumor and p53 expression; positivity was observed among somatotroph, lactotroph, corticotroph, and clinically nonfunctioning pituitary tumors. These data indicate that p53 expression, when conclusively present in pituitary tumors, may be of some diagnostic usefulness as a marker of biologically aggressive behavior.

Publication Date

  • April 1, 1996


published in


  • SURGERY  Web of Science Category

start page

  • 765

end page

  • 770


  • 38


  • 4

WoS Citations

  • 206

WoS References

  • 38