Sert, B. M., Boggess, J. F., Ahmad, S., Jackson, A. L., Stavitzski, N. M., Dahl, A. A., Holloway, R. W.
Objective: To compare perioperative and clinico-pathological outcomes of patients with early-stage cervical cancer who underwent robot assisted radical hysterectomy (RRH) and open radical hysterectomy (ORH). Methods: This retrospective multi-center study abstracted demographic, clinico-pathological and perioperative outcomes data from medical records of 491 cervical cancer patients treated with RRH (n = 259) ORH (n = 232) between 2005 and 2011 at two American and one Norwegian University Cancer Centres. Results: Mean estimated blood loss (EBL) and transfusion rates were less for RRH than for ORH (97 vs. 49 mL, p < 0.001, and 3% vs. 7%, p = 0.018, respectively). Mean length of hospital stay (LOS) was significantly shorter in RRH versus ORH (1.8 vs. 5.1 days, p < 0.001). Mean operative time was longer for RRH than ORH (220 vs. 156 min, p < 0.001). Although overall complications were similar (p = 0.49), intra-operative complications were less common in the RRH group than ORB (4% vs. 10%, p = 0.004). In multivariate regression analyses longer operative time, less EBL and intra-operative complications, shorter LOS, and more pre-operative cone were significantly associated with RRH versus ORH. Recurrence and death rates were not statistically different for the two groups at a mean follow-up time of 39 months (p = 1.00 and p = 0.48, respectively). Conclusions: RRH had improved clinical outcomes compared to ORH in the treatment of early-stage cervical cancer in terms of EBL, intra-operative complications, transfusion rates, LOS, and pre-operative cone. Disease recurrence and survival were comparable for the two procedures. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.