When Is Waiver of Consent Appropriate in a Neonatal Clinical Trial? Article

cited authors

  • Schreiner, Mark S., Feltman, Dalia, Wiswell, Thomas, Wootton, Susan, Arnold, Cody, Tyson, Jon, Lantos, John D.

funding text

  • Dr Lantos' work on this project was supported by a CTSA grant from NCATS awarded to the University of Kansas Medical Center for Frontiers: The Heartland Institute for Clinical and Translational Research UL1TR000001.


  • It is difficult to do scientifically rigorous research on treatments that must be administered urgently or emergently. Therefore, such treatments are often provided without a strong evidence base. Research would be facilitated if it were permissible to waive the requirement for parental consent. However, that raises a different set of concerns. Federal regulations allow waiver of the requirement for consent but only if studies meet certain conditions. Institutional review boards must decide whether those conditions are met. Sometimes, reasonable people disagree. We present and analyze a protocol for which investigators request a waiver of consent.

Publication Date

  • November 1, 2014


published in


start page

  • 1006

end page

  • 1012


  • 134


  • 5

WoS Citations

  • 11

WoS References

  • 33