Reference Range Determination for Whole-Blood Platelet Aggregation Using the Multiplate Analyzer Article

Industry Collaboration International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Peerschke, Ellinor I. B., Castellone, Donna D., Stroobants, A. K., Francis, John

funding text

  • This study was supported by Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland and Indianapolis.


  • Objectives: To develop reference ranges for platelet aggregation using the Multiplate analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) in blood anticoagulated with sodium citrate (Na-citrate), lithium heparin (Li-heparin), or hirudin. Methods: The study was performed at three sites on consented, healthy adults (n = 193) not taking antiplatelet medication. Platelet aggregation was evaluated in response to adenosine-51-diphosphate, arachidonic acid, collagen, thrombin receptor activating peptide, ristocetin, and adenosthe-5'-diphosphate combined with prostaglandin E1. Precision testing was conducted using healthy donors and donors taking aspirin. Results: Whole-blood platelet aggregation showed anticoagulant-dependent differences in platelet responses to all agonists. Samples collected in Na-citrate demonstrated the lowest responses to all agonists. The highest responses were obtained using Li-heparin. Precision testing revealed high variability in platelet aggregation at lower agonist doses, regardless of anticoagulant. Highest platelet response variations occurred in response to arachidonic acid in blood anticoagulated with hirudin from participants taking aspirin. Conclusions: These data demonstrate the importance of establishing locally relevant reference ranges.

Publication Date

  • November 1, 2014



start page

  • 647

end page

  • 656


  • 142


  • 5

WoS Citations

  • 24

WoS References

  • 24