Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in the Emergency Department-Diagnostic and Therapeutic Asset Article

cited authors

  • Tirado, Alfredo, Wu, Teresa, Noble, Vicki E., Huang, Calvin, Lewiss, Resa E., Martin, Jennifer A., Murphy, Michael C., Sivitz, Adam


  • Bedside ultrasound is an extremely valuable and rapidly accessible diagnostic and therapeutic modality in potentially life- and limb-threatening situations in the emergency department. In this report, the authors discuss the role of ultrasound in quick assessment of pathologic conditions and its use to aid in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.

Publication Date

  • February 1, 2013



start page

  • 117

end page

  • +


  • 31


  • 1

WoS Citations

  • 15

WoS References

  • 68