This work was supported by grants from the Hamburger Krebsgesellschaft e. V. and the Eppendorfer Krebs-und Leukamiehilfe e. V. to FL and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (INST 152/624) and a Marie Curie Fellowship (ESR 628264) to TAF.
Background: In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) contributes to morbidity and mortality, but the underlying pathomechanisms remain incompletely understood. Methods: We conducted a prospective study on 69 patients with newly diagnosed AML to further define the correlates of systemic coagulation activation in this hematological malignancy. Tissue factor procoagulant activity (TF PCA) of isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and TF expression by circulating microparticles (MPs) were assessed by single-stage clotting and thrombin generation assay, respectively. Soluble plasma TF antigen and secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by cultured PBMCs were measured by ELISA. Cell-free plasma DNA was quantified by staining with a fluorescent dye. Result: TF PCA of PBMCs was significantly increased in AML patients as compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, TF PCA was significantly associated with decompensated DIC at presentation, as defined by a plasma fibrinogen level of <= 1 g/L (n = 11). In addition to TF PCA and circulating blasts, serum lactate dehydrogenase, a surrogate marker for leukemic cell turnover, correlated with plasma D-Dimer in the total patient cohort and was significantly increased in DIC patients, suggesting a role for myeloblast apoptosis/necrosis in activation of the TF-dependent coagulation pathway. Consistently, TF-bearing plasma MPs were more frequently detected and levels of soluble TF antigen were significantly higher in DIC vs. non-DIC patients. No association was found between TF PCA expression and VEGF secretion by isolated PBMCs, but significantly increased levels of cell-free plasma DNA pointed to a contribution of the intrinsic contact pathway to systemic coagulation activation in the total patient cohort and in patients with lower TF PCA expression. While PBMC-associated TF PCA had no effect on long-term survival, DIC occurrence at presentation increased the risk of early mortality. Conclusion: In newly diagnosed AML, TF expression by PBMCs and shedding of TF-bearing plasma MPs are central to the pathogenesis of DIC, but additional pathways, such as DNA liberation, may contribute to systemic coagulation activation.