American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on the role of endoscopy in the management of chronic pancreatitis: methodology and review of evidence Review

cited authors

  • Sheth, Sunil G.; Machicado, Jorge D.; Chhoda, Ankit; Chalhoub, Jean M.; Forsmark, Christopher; Zyromski, Nicholas; Sadeghirad, Behnam; Morgan, Rebecca L.; Thosani, Nirav C.; Thiruvengadam, Nikhil R.; Ruan, Wenly; Pawa, Swati; Ngamruengphong, Saowanee; Marya, Neil B.; Kohli, Divyanshoo R.; Fujii-Lau, Larissa L.; Forbes, Nauzer; Elhanafi, Sherif E.; Desai, Madhav; Cosgrove, Natalie; Coelho-Prabhu, Nayantara; Amateau, Stuart K.; Alipour, Omeed; Abidi, Wasif; Qumseya, Bashar J.; ASGE Stand Practice Comm Chair

Publication Date

  • January 1, 2025


published in


start page

  • e1

end page

  • e53


  • 101


  • 1