DCRM 2.0: Multispecialty practice recommendations for the management of diabetes, cardiorenal, and metabolic diseases Article

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Handelsman, Yehuda; Anderson, John E.; Bakris, George L.; Ballantyne, Christie M.; Bhatt, Deepak L.; Bloomgarden, Zachary T.; Bozkurt, Biykem; Budoff, Matthew J.; Butler, Javed; Cherney, David Z. I.; DeFronzo, Ralph A.; Del Prato, Stefano; Eckel, Robert H.; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Fonarow, Gregg C.; Fonseca, Vivian A.; Garvey, W. Timothy; Giorgino, Francesco; Grant, Peter J.; Green, Jennifer B.; Greene, Stephen J.; Groop, Per Henrik; Grunberger, George; Jastreboff, Ania M.; Jellinger, Paul S.; Khunti, Kamlesh; Klein, Samuel; Kosiborod, Mikhail N.; Kushner, Pamela; Leiter, Lawrence A.; Lepor, Norman E.; Mantzoros, Christos S.; Mathieu, Chantal; Mende, Christian W.; Michos, Erin D.; Morales, Javier; Plutzky, Jorge; Pratley, Richard E.; Ray, Kausik K.; Rossing, Peter; Sattar, Naveed; Schwarz, Peter E. H.; Standl, Eberhard; Steg, P. Gabriel; Tokgozoglu, Lale; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Umpierrez, Guillermo E.; Valensi, Paul; Weir, Matthew R.; Wilding, John; Wright Jr, Eugene E.

Publication Date

  • September 2, 2024


published in



  • 159