2022 Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Pain, Agitation, Neuromuscular Blockade, and Delirium in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients With Consideration of the ICU Environment and Early Mobility Article

ESI Most Cited Paper

cited authors

  • Smith, Heidi A. B.; Besunder, James B.; Betters, Kristina A.; Johnson, Peter N.; Srinivasan, Vijay; Stormorken, Anne; Farrington, Elizabeth; Golianu, Brenda; Godshall, Aaron J.; Acinelli, Larkin; Almgren, Christina; Bailey, Christine H.; Boyd, Jenny M.; Cisco, Michael J.; Damian, Mihaela; DeAlmeida, Mary L.; Fehr, James; Fenton, Kimberly E.; Gilliland, Frances; Grant, Mary Jo C.; Howell, Joy; Ruggles, Cassandra A.; Simone, Shari; Su, Felice; Sullivan, Janice E.; Tegtmeyer, Ken; Traube, Chani; Williams, Stacey; Berkenbosch, John W.

Publication Date

  • February 1, 2022


published in



  • analgesia
  • delirium
  • guidelines
  • neuromuscular blockade
  • pediatric critical care
  • sedation

start page

  • E74

end page

  • E110


  • 23


  • 2