History of Coronary Artery Disease Predicts Inferior Survival in Liver Transplant Recipients of Advanced Age in a Large Multicenter US Cohort Meeting Abstract

cited authors

  • German, M.; Hristov, A.; Lee, A.; Osman, F.; Kwong, A.; Devuni, D.; Wang, C.; Boike, J.; Jo, J.; VanWagner, L.; Serper, M.; Sharma, R.; Verna, E.; Shor, J.; Koteish, A.; Sehmbey, G.; Seetharam, A.; John, N.; Patel, Y.; Kappus, M.; Couri, T.; Paul, S.; Salgia, R.; Nhu, Q.; Frenette, C.; Lai, J.; Goel, A.; Spengler, E.

Publication Date

  • April 1, 2020


published in


start page

  • 518

end page

  • 518


  • 20