American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology consensus conference statement on uniform labeling of performance test scores Article

ESI Most Cited Paper

cited authors

  • Guilmette, Thomas J.; Sweet, Jerry J.; Hebben, Nancy; Koltai, Deborah; Mahone, E. Mark; Spiegler, Brenda J.; Stucky, Kirk; Westerveld, Michael; Boake, Corwin; Byrd, Desiree; Haut, Jennifer; Koop, Jennifer; Schretlen, David J.; Stucky, Kirk; Spiegler, Brenda J.; Chelune, Gordon; Edgar, Veronica Bordes; Fujii, Daryl; Snow, Joseph; Sweet, Jerry J.; Koltai, Deborah; Westerveld, Michael; Binder, Laurence; Hagan, Leigh D.; Kenealy, Laura; Marcopulos, Bernice; Paltzer, June Yu; Conf Participants; Non-Normal Distribution Grp; Impairment Definition Applicati

Publication Date

  • February 6, 2020


published in



  • Impairment
  • performance tests
  • qualitative descriptors
  • test score labels

start page

  • 437

end page

  • 453


  • 34


  • 3